Friday 18 January 2008

Junior Lawyers Division

Junior Lawyers Site As I swung by Charon QC’s blawg earlier, I noticed a snippet from the Junior Lawyers Division of The Law Society (JLD) that I read about yesterday. Despite priding myself in keeping my ear to the proverbial ground, the first I’d heard about the scheme was when an email from the Law Society arrived in my inbox saying it’d been launched. Oh well.

Naturally I went on and examined the new JLD website and felt rather underwhelmed with their offerings to be honest. The email I received from the Law Society promised a rich site full of content, featuring news about regional groups, events in your area, blogs, downloads, information about a career in law and discounts on products and services.” Well, there are 2 blogs, with one post apiece, some superficial and hackneyed advice on the routes into practice and a couple downloadable PDFs pertaining to that advice.

Cutting to the chase, I don’t see that this site adds a great deal to the existing wealth of information out there for potential and newly qualified solicitors. Granted, the site is currently in ‘public beta’ but even so. Given the hype and gusto associated with the launch of the JLD’s website – even good ol' Charon QC recorded a podcast with the president – I really expected more of a wow-factor.

But the best thing is the new helpline number for trainees, and newly appointed solicitors to call when things, you know, all get a bit much:



  1. Less of the "old"... :-)

    Common on... it is a new organisation... they are trying - and, for my part... good luck.

    At least there is a helpline - and, after 25 years in this curious world of ours I have seen a lot of stress and worry with students and young solicitors.

  2. mea culpa.... meant to say

    "come on".... etc etc...

    was thinking about the common I usually do.

  3. Your description of "good 'ol Charon" - which did amuse me.

    Unfortunately it inspired me to think about a post! I have responded :-)

  4. I have just realised that my own drafting may be open to misconstruction... I meant, of course, to say, in relation to '25 years in this world of ours'... that I have been involved in law for that long... I did not show any interest for the first 20 odd years... but I didn't get an ASBO either when I was young.

    Good stuff.... enjoy your blawg.... and good luck with your studies / progression.

  5. It's all good, Charon. I had a feeling this post might stir up a comment or two, although I hadn't imagined it would be for these reasons.
    But I like a little friendly banter between blawgers so will take it on the chin with good grace. So what with my original 'ol and your 'common on' I guess we're one apiece, eh?

  6. LawActually... I am not being critical... quite the opposite... I am grateful for the inspiration to enjoy a bit of 'off-piste' blogging.... !
